• Pets and Newborns

    Are you worried about how your pet may react to your new baby? These tips will help your pet adjust to life with a newborn.

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  • Pigs

    Did you know that pigs are a lot cleaner than the reputation they have? While they do roll around in the mud, this keeps them cool. They're actually one of the cleanest animals. They, however, require care, just like any animal. Before you take on more than you can handle, you should educate yourself

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  • Pigs as Family Pets

    You and your family may be charmed with the thought of adding a pet pig to your home. Many people have moved forward with finding their new pet, yet not taken the steps to provide appropriately for their pig. And themselves. As small and unassuming as a small pig might seem, there are considerations

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  • Planning and Preparation

    Planning and preparation are necessary when traveling with family pets. Consider whether your pet is comfortable when traveling. Some animals, like some people, function better in familiar surroundings. A car-sick animal can make a trip miserable for everyone. Some ill or physically impaired dogs and

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  • Planning for Your Dog's Health Care

    Before adopting a dog, take a moment to consider the amount of care your pet will require and your ability to provide that care. Too often a cute face and wagging tail inspires individuals to bring home dogs without really considering the amount of time and financial resources required to raise healthy

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