• What to Do When Your Pet Goes on the Carpet

    Straining to urinate, frequent urination, blood in the urine, and accidents in the house are common symptoms that pet owners report to their veterinarian. Many times the signs come on suddenly, as people find urine spots on the floor, often near the door where the dog goes outside. Cat owners may notice

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  • When Is a Goopy Eye a Problem?

    Many dogs have thick eye discharge. Sometimes it is just in the morning; sometimes it has to do with a dog’s breed. Some breeds of dogs have eyes that sit differently in their skull, causing more discharge. And, sometimes, the goopy eye is a sign of a severe, chronic and painful condition called keratoconjunctivitis

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  • When Your Pet's Food Is Recalled

    According to government regulatory agencies, there are three types of pet food recalls that can be issued. Recalls can be conducted by a company or brand, by request from the regulatory agencies, or by order from the government agency. When your pet's food has been recalled, you'll want to contact your

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  • White House Pets

    A surprising issue that has arisen in the American political arena is not foreign policy, but rather which breed of dog the Obama's chose to join their family in the White House. Barack Obama has announced that his family narrowed their breed choices to a Labradoodle, a mix between a Labrador retriever

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  • Who's Healthier: Purebreds or Mixed Breeds?

    For years, pet owners have disagreed about whether purebred or mixed breed dogs are healthier. Until recently, there was no scientific data to back up their opinions, but UC Davis researchers recently helped answer the question with a landmark health study. The Arguments Pet owners who thought that

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